Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Monitoring services support our Client to obtain or to maintain authorizations and permits. The monitoring has to be executed according to specific monitoring plans carried out according to technical applicable requirements. We are able to monitor the following environmental matrices: terrestrial (top soil, subsoil, surface water, groundwater, air, noise, flora, vegetation, fauna, landscape) and internal and marine waters (sediments, bathymetry, water column, bioconstruction, biocoenosis, fish, mammals).
Gli esempi più rilevanti delle attività di Environmental Monitoring sono:
- Air, soil and subsoil, surface and ground waters, noise, vibration, onshore and offshore sediments survey
- Fauna, flora, vegetation, landscape, ecosystem survey
- Archaeology survey
- Characterization waste
- Waste
- Specific surveys: single-beam (sbes) / multi-beam (mbes)onshore and offshore bathymetric surveys, detailed topography (traditional, drones, laser-scanner), remote sensing (high and medium resolution, multi and hyperspectral image analysis), monitoring of the seabed (side scan sonar, magnetometric survey, sub bottom profiler, rov, image capture, ecc.)
The results of monitoring can be used for the calibration of environmental modelling (air, soil, fresh/marine water, noise, sediment) and for the space-time trend analysis of specific phenomenon.We support our Clients in defining the methods for processing and managing data, also by using and preparing geo-databases (GIS/WEBGIS).