
The “permitting” services help our Clients to obtain the necessary authorizations from the Competent Authorities for a project in compliance with the requirements of national/local legislation in accordance with International Standards. We are able to offer our Clients assistance in all phases of the project, in order to speed up the issue of the authorization and the permit to operate. In particular, we help our Clients to obtain the Integrated Environmental Authorization (IPPC Permit), to receive approval by the competent Authorities for the Assessment of the Environmental, Social and Health Impact, evaluating the site conditions and developing, if required, specific characterization studies

Gli esempi più rilevanti delle attività di Permitting sono:

  • Preliminary studies of environmental aspects and impacts (Screening, Enviid or PEIA)
  • Studies for the assessment of environmental and social impacts (SIA, VINCA, VIS)
  • Stakeholders Engagement
  • Integrated environmental authorizations (IPPC permit)
  • Single environmental authorizations
  • Assistance and management of national and local authorizations
  • Authorization for emission greenhouse gas (ETS)
  • Modeling studies: noise, air, water

We are also able to carry out modelling studies of noise, air and water in accordance with industry standards in order to provide our Clients with a sensitivity analysis for the final configuration of
the project to be authorized.

Case studies

ESIA and IPPC permits
Decommissioning procedure
IPPC permit