Environmental damage
Service: Legal
Abstract: Technical consultancy for a party in criminal proceeding for environmental damage (soil and groundwater pollution), Southern Italy. The activities we performed included support for document analysis activities, field assistance on the occasion of inspections / samplings by Competent Authorities / Control Agencies, technical / regulatory verification for activities carried out by third-party companies, support / verification waste and water management activities, technical reports drafting
Client Sector: Oil&Gas.
Period: 2017-2019

Initial client situation
Following an environmental incident which determined the contamination of soil and groundwater in the area of an industrial site, the Client requested SHELTER’s support for the execution of environmental technical activities functional to the management of the legal aspects of the proceeding.

SHELTER activities
The activities we performed included:
- Documentation analysis, field assistance during inspections carried out by Public Authorities and Control Bodies, technical and regulatory verification of activities carried out by third-party contactors, verification of waste and water management activities, drafting technical reports;
- Investigation with georadar for the verification of underground pipes/services in the site area;
- Execution of a study of the chemical compounds historically and currently used in the plant area, aimed at identifying the chemical parameters (Contaminants of Concern) which, based on their toxicological and environmental characteristics, have been included in the Characterization Plan of the site as specifically requested by the Control Bodies;
- Coordination of indoor / outdoor air quality monitoring activities for the purpose of assessing the inhalation exposure of workers in areas outside the site affected by the incident;
- Execution of a survey aimed at characterizing the typology of the productive activities of the facilities adjacent to the site, in order to evaluate the potential interference on the ongoing site monitoring activities determined by chemical substances used or produced by other facilities co-established in the industrial area.