SHELTER opens an operating office in Sardinia

Here we are, SHELTER’s office based in Sassari is finally in full operation!

The historical building “Palazzo Segni”, located in viale Umberto I n.52, Sassari, also hosting the Department of History, human sciences and education of the University of Sassari, has been selected as ideal setting for our operations in Sardinia, improving SHELTER’s footprint and capabilities to respond to clients’ needs.

In fact, as already demonstrated with and by SHELTER’s office in Brindisi, the mix of international know-how with local presence and knowledge is a key distinguishing pillar of SHELTER’s development and diversification strategy.

The decision to invest in this new operating office in Sardinia recognize the value and the potentiality of a unique territory where large and strategic industrial assets cohabit with and exceptional natural capital; sustainability, green economy and net to zero policies can find here their natural and solid development conditions.

The responsibility of Sardinian office has been given to Alessandro Aresu, a professional environmental engineer with strong background in environmental and sustainability programs definition and implementation, some of them regarding Sardinia territory:

After more than 20 years of professional engagement in challenging projects either for Italian and international enterprises, I am excited to give back to my territory what I learned and experienced, conscious about the differences and diversities that, according to SHELTER's and my personal view, represent a value rather than a limit”.


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