Onshore e Offshore
Service: Enviromental Monitoring
Abstract: Environmental monitoring execution during the ante-operam and construction phase for an international pipeline:
– onshore: landscape, flora, fauna, groundwater, air, noise;
– offshore: biocoenosis, bioconstruction, sea water, surface sediments, deep sediments, continuous turbidity monitoring.
Client: Oil&Gas
Period: 2016-2020

Initial client situation
The company is building an international pipeline more than 700 km long, with the interest of onshore and offshore areas.
In the Italian part, subject to decree to the Environmental Impact Assessment Decree, the company has drawn up an environmental monitoring project approved by the competent authority and which had to be carried out in compliance with legislative requirements.
This environmental monitoring project has identified all the environmental criticalities, proposing the necessary actions for their monitoring, and the verification of minimization of the impact and will concern the following environmental components: atmosphere, water environment, marine environment, soil and subsoil, vegetation, flora, fauna and ecosystems, noise and landscape.

SHELTER activities
The monitoring of the onshore section of the project aimed at defining the quality of the environment through chemical, chemical-physical, biological and landscape analyzes in order to quantify the potential effects of the project on abiotic characteristics, as well as on the flora, fauna and ecosystems present in the area. In addition, the activity aimed to verify compliance with the requirements of the EIA decree.
The activities provided for the assessment of the ante operam status (baseline) by detecting the parameters taken as a reference for the various environmental components and the subsequent periodic verification during construction activities.
In particular, the components were monitored in the onshore section of the project:
landscape, flora and vegetation, fauna (avifauna, land mammals, amphibians, reptiles, bats, bees, road mortality), groundwater and surface water (periodic level measurements of groundwater, sampling and chemical analysis; continuous measurement of levels and salinity in the groundwater and in the swamp), top-soil and subsoil, air quality (passive and continuous monitoring), noise and vibrations (forecast studies and field checks).
Environmental compatibility monitoring of the materials used on site was also carried out (chemical analyzes and tests for the release of water, aggregates and concrete).For the monitoring activity in the offshore section of the project, aimed at defining the quality of the marine environment through geomorphological, chemical, chemical-physical and biological analyzes of biotic and abiotic components, the components were monitored: biocoenosis, bioconstruction (mapping and monitoring), sea water (chemical analysis and measurements with CTD probe), surface and deep sediments (chemical and granulometric analysis), solid transport and turbidity (modeling and continuous monitoring), fish fauna, phytoplankton.